Kustom Bitz Pty Ltd
Factory Unit 1
22 Jesmond Road
Croydon VIC 3136
Melbourne Australia
Website sales are our prefered method of sale, all prices on the website are current, it will be the same price if you order online, phone or pick it up. Direct pick ups and counter sales have been suspended until this COVID 19 virus outbreak situation has well and truely passed.
Please phone or text first if you intend to drop in so that you are not dissapointed if you arrive and I am not there. [in and out all day – best to call or text first] 
Currently we do not export from Australia - too many bad experiences
Email: sick to death of junk emails, so only real persons will get email address.
Check your spam folder ~ we have noticed some of our return emails are undelivered or rejected by mail servers due to spam filters or mis-configured accounts on mail delivery systems at your end. Please note we do not send any spam or marketing emails, so if you want to recieve mail from Kustom Bitz check we are not blocked on your system, otherwise you will not recieve our emails for reciept of your order and order updates.
Always check your spam folder for order confirmations and delivery emails because these are automatically generated emails from our store and hence your spam filter will most likely put them in that folder.
Undelivered Orders - If you did an order and or a bank transfer and your order is over a week late and we have not contacted you then it is most likely it did not generate the order properly on our system and we do not even know there is an order pending. This can happen at times through a poor internet connection and or by you not waiting for the order to be processed and give you a reference number. You most likely not pressed the last confirmation button and or have clicked out of the system a bit too early. In this case text or phone us below with the date and amount you paid and and what it was you thought you ordered so we can sort it out for you. We will need to match your transaction through bank statements.
Phone: 0407 818 511 - please read the following before you call
After 9.30am to 5pm weekdays [within reasonable trading hours]
Please note I do not hear the phone when on the lathe, grinding or polishing and I cannot get to the phone when running a weld. I dont answer the phone while driving either, so please send a text as the Telstra voice to text conversion is mostly useless.
The phone constantly rings these days and I just can't be on the phone all day and get back to every one, so I do appologise but at different times I have committed to that much work that I have to ignore the phone to get through the work already in the workshop in a timely manner. So a short, direct, but detailed text message is the go these days, so I can say yes or no, then allocate some time [typically at the end of the day now] to call you back if I think I can help you. A quick text message to check current stock on an item works too. A message like call Joe, or call Bill or who ever .... generally I ignore, thanks.
Private numbers generally don't get answered because in my experience mostly thats been the scammers and time waisting telemarketers, so if you are calling from a home number that is private and don't get through, try calling form your mobile phone or better yet send a text a message..
And TELEMARKETERS take note ; if you do not want to be abused and don't like me swearing at you then DO NOT call, it really is that simple.
Fax: N/A
International Phone: +61 407 818 511
International Fax: N/A
ABN 40 600 125 246
ACN 600 125 246
Factory Door Sales - by appointement
Trade Sales & Direct to Public

Address Details as Text - scan code image above
To store our Phone number in your mobile phone - Scan Code Image above