Part# KB15689 ~ Stage 2 Ford 289 302 351 V8 Windsor hydraulic performance street camshaft custom ground for a tough sounding idle and low down torque. Maximum street performance strong mid and high range performance in modified engines. Lumpy Idle, sounds great with open collectors perfect streetable, street & strip hot rod drags cam.
Stage 2 cam’s torque band is strongest from 1800rpm to 4800rpm and recommend using a 2200rpm high stall converter for automatic transmissions. The power range of the cam is from 2500 to 5500 rpm.
this Hot Rod Cams series work best on a well prepared engine with high compression 9.5:1 or better, headers and a free flowing exhaust system, 600 cfm vac sec Holley carb or 650cfm double pumper and a 4 barrel manifold.
Camshaft Specifications;
Advance Ground on Cam; 1 deg, Lobe Separation; 106 deg, duration @ .050 inch = INT 222 EX 230 deg, Total duration = INT 280 EX 289 deg, valve timing INT 35/65 EX 71/37, Valve Lift INT .480 EX .485 inch, Power range 2500-5500 rpm. Install straight up on timing marks.
This performance camshaft requires good quality cam followers and new performance valve springs. To get the best out of your new combination you do not want bad cam timing so we recommend new timing chain or new timing gears.
Recommended performance valve springs to suit click here
Recommended performance hydraulic lifters to suit click here
New Timing chain gears click here
New Push Rods click here
Roller Rockers click here
Holley Carburettor click here

IMPORTANT: These high performance components should be checked for suitability by the person installing them as engines of the same group can vary in valve length, spring installed height, and Collet groves.
It is the sole responsibility of the installer to check suitability.
To ensure your camshaft is the correct model for your application place the new cam next to the your old cam and check the following points.
Do the lobes all point the same way?
Are the holes or groves in the bearing journals the same?
Is the distributor gear the same size and angle and position on the camshaft?
Is the fuel pump lobe in the same place on the camshaft?
This camshaft must be installed with new cam followers and good quality performance valve springs. All engines will vary due to machining so check engine for correct rocker arm geometry and push rod length. This camshaft has a higher lift than standard so check valve springs for coil bind and retainer to top of the valve guide clearance at full valve lift when installed. You also need to check valve to piston clearance and the camshaft timing marks on the timing chain are lined up. All these checks need to be done before you start the engine. Correct cam lube needs to be applied during engine assembly and lifters [cam followers] need to be primed with oil. The lifters should rotate freely in their bores. This camshaft needs to be run in at 2500rpm for at least 20minutes to ensure plenty of oil pressure is present to drown the cam and lifters in lubricant during the run in period. Refer to our web site for more information, specifications, cam set up and tuning tips.
Disclaimer: All performance modifications will most likely alter exhaust emissions. This means that for later model cars that need to comply with exhaust emissions standards you install these performance parts at your own risk. All Performance parts sold through or made by Kustom Bitz are intended for off road use only.
KustomBitz product & installation disclaimer;
Indemnity: The installer/purchaser shall indemnify Kustom Bitz, the author, its consultants, personnel and all others involved in providing our goods and services in respect of any claims, demands, damages, proceedings, costs, charges and other expenses caused by, arising out of or in any way connected with any special, consequential, direct or indirect loss, damage, harm or injury suffered by any person arising out of this web site, document, publication, the sale or the goods and services supplied pursuant to it.