Morris J Type van with hand fabricated rear doors

The rear doors on this little Morris J we are working on were pretty sad and the hinges were that worn I decided to start from scratch. The old doors were going to cost alot to repair and in the end they still would have been rough, it would have been like trying to make caviar from a pigs ear. Its not a decision to take lightly as it is an expensive exercise to make hinges from scratch and the doors from scratch and get it all working, but the end result is what you are chasing. The customer now has doors with a good well planned out rubber seal, a proper stepped overlap in the middle, hignges that don't let the doors swing around and hit the body,a high tensile long hinge pin, inner skins that unscrew to allow panel repairs and bear claw latches on both doors so they dont fly open. The back window was modelled off the original Morris J van doors, of which incedentally is not symetrical, and it is the shape of this back window that makes it instantly reconisable so I went to great pains to keep it accurate to original.